Sudan Rume – 2015 WBC championship


ONA Coffee
Date: 2015


Event campaign

Several pieces for ONA coffee. The year was 2015 and the CEO of ONA Coffee- Sasa Sestic had just become the world Barista champion. His winning formula was based on creating coffee using a similar process to creating red wine, which he dubbed “Washed Carbonic Macerated Coffee.”

He decided to release a limited edition of his winning blend which was called Sudan Rume, holding several successful demonstrations and tasting events.

Our promotions tapped into the Aussie sense of humour straight away, playing on the obscurity of the name of the product.

“What on earth is a Washed Carbonic Macerated Coffee” is most likely a lot of people’s initial though when breaching the matter.

A dialogue was built around the topic, placed on invite cards and posters accompanied by illustrations of the process.


Dialogue + cards + posters

Card design for Sudan Rume campaign for ONA coffee
Card design for Sudan Rume campaign for ONA coffee
Card design for Sudan Rume campaign for ONA coffee
Sudan Rume Campaign dialogue
Sudan Rume poster
Sudan Rume poster mock-up

Packaging – Booklet


Sudan Rume booklet
Sudan Rume booklet
Sudam Rume bag